Welcome to Magical Moment Photos
Magical Moments occur all the time, but it requires an awareness to realize them as they are happening. Having a camera aimed and adjusted properly at that moment is the real challenge a photographer faces. Sometimes two or three weeks can go by without experiencing one, and then suddenly four or five happen within a few minutes.
My goal here is to share the magical moments that I have captured during my lifetime, and to make them available for others to enjoy.
If my images bring joy to you, then I have accomplished this goal!
“Peace and Love through Frozen Light”
Photographer/Artist Ben Upham III has taken over 6,000 photographs of popular Rock Musicians since 1975, as well as thousands of Nature and Wildlife images from California, Oregon, and Washington.
Ben’s Photographs have been published by major recording artists in a variety of projects, such as the 1991 Lynyrd Skynyrd 3-CD box set, Be+Bop Deluxe Tremulous Antennae packaging, and the book Black Sabbath FAQ by Martin Popoff.